My E-Portfolio

IWB Teaching Material:

Our session this week was concerned with an introduction of the IWB. Interactive Whiteboards provide the possibility of different learing activities to make
teaching sessions more varied.
Of course IWBs are njot only useful and important in the Foreign Language Classrrom. Thus, our task was to find teaching material for our other subject which can be used with the IWB. Therefore, I searched for useful material for teaching German in school.

Smart Exchange is a website provided by Smart Technologies ULC. 
Many subjects can be chosen and a large supply of pre-made teaching material can be found for those subjects.
On this link I found some interesting material for the German classrom.

Here is what I found really useful and interesting:

The "Smons" is a group of little beings that encourage the pupils to learn for different subjects in a playful. "Smu" the little red one is specialized on the subject German. He loves to read, to write and to explain different grammar rules for German and motobates the pupils to explore and learn with him.
Activities are for example:

Letter salad: ,
To dice words to learn how to spell them: ,
And to count syllables of different words:

That are only three examples, but there are much more of these tools for the interactive Whiteboard.