My E-Portfolio

Poster Design with Glogster

In this session of our Presenting Content class we picked up the topic of Design Basics. The week before, we had created posters which were supposed to present adequately "10 Golden Rules" for good poster design. For the first task each group created a poster using colourful paper, different pencils, sissors and glue.
In a second step these results were supposed to be reproduced online.
The web tool Glogster provides various ways of desining a poster document which then can be saved and puplished online if you register on
For my Gloster poster I chose the soccer field, where each soccer player represents one of the ten rules of designing a poster. The screenshot above shows the original result of the groupwork for developing a poster in the traditional way, whereas the following screenshots review my personal result of using glogster. The subsequent link leads to the original result which is stored online on my Glogster account.